Vi editor is used to
create new files. (or) To modify already existing files.
is classified into 3 models
1)command mode.
2)Input (or) Insert mode.
3)Ex command mode.
::The default mode is command mode.
How to shift
command mode to Insert mode:
1)A :: It places at end of the current line.
2)a :: It places at right of the cussor position.
3)I :: It places at begining of the cussor line.
4)i :: It places at left of the cussor position.
5)O ::Insert new line above this the cussor position.
6)o :: Insert new line bellow this the cussor
7)esc ::Is the key to shift from insert mode to
command mode.
8): ::Is the command to shift from command mode
to Ex command mode.
mode commands:
2) w(mw) ::next
word starting
3) $ ::places cussor at end of the current line.
^ :: places
cussor at begining of the current line.
4) # :: places cussor at begining of the page.
5) M :: places cussor at middle of the page.
6) L :: places cussor at end of the page.
7) ctrl f ::forward one page(pg dn key).
ctrl b ::backword
one page(pg up key).
8) x(nx) ::To delete current(del key).
9) X ::It delets previous char(back space).
10) dw(adw)::to delete a word.
11) dd(ndd)::to delete a line.
12)d$ ::It deletes current position of the line.
13)d$ ::It deletes current begining of the line.
14) yw(nyw) :: to copy the word.
15) yy(xyy) :: to copy a line.
16) y$ :: It copies current position to end of the
17) y^ :: It copies current position to beginning of
the line.
18) P :: paste
19) U ::undo
20) CC :: to clear a line
21) J :: to join a line
22) ZZ :: Save&Quit
commands mode commands:
1) :w
:: save & without quit
2) :w
file name ::save with given file.
3) :q!
::Quit with out sae
4) :wq
::save & quit
5) :1
::it places cussor at first line of the file.
6) :$
::it places cussor at last line of the file.
7) :setnu
::set line number.
8) :setnonu
::remove line no.
9) :!<unix
comm.> ::it exutes unix command.
10) :|string|
::Top to bottom.
11) :|string?
:: bottom to top.
12) :start
line,end line ::s|old string|new string|gi (search & replace).