Information Technology Service Management
The ticketing tools are service desk & Remedy ticketing tool
It is used for Raising tickets manually (or) automatically.
USERID : ----------
PWD : ----------
we would get BMC Remedy Home Page.
in home page we will see the quick links in thae page Like
===>Approval control
===>self service control
Changemanagement console:
==>Incident management
==>Problem management
==>Task management
Different types of tickets:
There are 3 types:
1.Incident ticket which identifies by INC
2.Change request ticket which identifies by CRQ
3.problem ticket which identifies by PBL
we have otther types Like TAS(identifies tasks) and SDB (Solution DB
Entries)PKE(identifies Known Errors).
Incident Ticket:
================something happen accedently the ticket which raises
Manually or Automatically.
=== The batch job pcso6980 failed with SB37 then instances Remedy
ticket will raised incident automatically.
Changemanagement Ticket:
if somebody wants to do change (or) creating a new during that time
the change management ticket uses.
=== 1. if application team wants hold product on job for to do then
they need to raise changemanagement ticket
2. if it is distributed system somebody wants to bring down the
server for a practical period of time then they need to raise
changemanagement ticket
Problem Ticket:
it is used to managed problem investigations known errors and
solution DB Entries.Problem management can practically prevent the
occurancy of incidents errors and addition management.
STATUS OF Tickets:
In progress
==== Displays when creating a new record or Ticket.
========= Auto-set to assigned when u crate a new incident assigned
to some one.
=========== Actively working on that incident also must select at
assigning a record to yourself.
======== Can't work on that incident,must fill in the region field
(or) pending means keeping the ticket on hold for sometime.
========= A solution (or) work-around has been found,must fill in
the status Reason field.
======= The system will auto-close in 5 business days (or) if user
wants to close the ticket we can close immediately (or) Manually.
========== if record was an accident(or) the issue doesn't need
resolution customer (or) support staff may task incident as cancelled.
The options are 1.Critical
Based on how many systems,Process,and business units are affored
as well as if the work around as possible (or) not.
========It will impact business.
===== it will impact only for that server(or) only for that
particular batch system.
====== it is not that much critical but still we need takd task on that job.
==== It does not require to consider this point.
To open New incident ticket Manually:
1.Once we login BMC click on Incident managentconsole which will
applies on left hand side then it takes to next screen.
2.Expand General function to see the no. of options it is like
collapsed,then click on 'New request' hen it takes to next screen.
3.Need to fill the Summary (Why we are raising ticket).
4.Need to fill; the impact field.
The impact options are:
5.Goto urgency field.
->select urgency based on your ticket critically.
6.we have come down and click on CUSTOMER tab.
->fill the customer information
7.Click on ClASSIFICATION tab
->fill the service type.drop down at the service type field and
select like user service relation and then got to operational
catigertion drop down tier
field and select field which we need and press enter then the
other field automatically display.
8.Then click on 'Assignment' tab,drop down the support company field
and select field like "capgemini" and the drop down field like support
organization and
select one field like 'DOS' and then drop down Assigned group
field and select field like "CGA Network Admit".
9.once we finish the above steps and then click the stable button on
top most Right handside.
To search the particular incident:
-- we got a call from customer,he need toknow the details of
particularinstant,at this time weneed to ask him Incident
ID(EX-147692)then we need to go to homepage
then click on incident management in console. will take in to the next screen ,then we can find search
incident option under the general function tab,then click on search
incident it will take to the next
2.Type the Incident ID at Incident ID field and then click search
button on top most riget side of the screen.
3.we got the Ticket details then the customer want to see the log
ticket and last updates regarding that ticket.we need to go to work
into tab and double click we
will get the history of the ticket.
How to see all tickets in your production control:
1.Goto incident management console.
2.General functions---->search incident search incident we will get tabs like assigned table.
4.Then we need to fill that fields like support company,support
organitation and Assigned group.
5.Then goto search button which is on right of that screen.
The Remedy group is (CGE DCS)monitoring.
How to Re.Assign a ticket:
========================== on Assignment tab
2.then we are get field like suppro company, support organization and
assigned group to what we are assigning.No need to mention to a
Assignee,it is better to assign
to a group and then save it.
How to accept and resolve the ticket:
Accept the ticket:
1,To stop the ticket at most "in-progress" in status field by myself.
2.Next we need to fill the Assignee group to which group we are assigning.
Resolve the ticket:
1.ToAccept Resolve the ticket first we need to go to status
that we must select Resolved.
2.Then Goto Resolution tab.
3.In resolution tab there will be no of fields first one as
resolution fill that. next gives the full information of that
particular ticket.
4.Then resolution method then select the options in that field.
5.Then go to status Reason field and select anyone of the option by
dropdown that field and then save it.
How to keep the ticket in Pending state:
1.Keep the status field as pending.
2.Then go to status Reason field and select options in available,that
may be clint on hold,support team on hold... etc..
3.Then save the ticket.
To Resolve the pending tickets:
=============================== on that incident and then goto status.In that select the
status field as 'In progress'
2.Then go to Assign tab in that we need to fill field like support
company,support organizationand Assignee group.
3.Then save the ticket.
4.To resolve the ticket we should keep the status as Resolved
5.Then goto resolution tab then fill the options in that tab and save it.
6.To close that keep the status as closedand save it.
Work info tab:
1.Use workinfo feature to add or attach work information regarding
activities performed on the cuurent record.
2.Go to work info tab and then we see some fields.
3.the fieds are workinfo tab and select "General information".
4.Then go to summary and give the information of the ticket.
5.Click on the attachement label and then add that document and save it.
Information Technology Service Management
The ticketing tools are service desk & Remedy ticketing tool
It is used for Raising tickets manually (or) automatically.
USERID : ----------
PWD : ----------
we would get BMC Remedy Home Page.
in home page we will see the quick links in thae page Like
===>Approval control
===>self service control
Changemanagement console:
==>Incident management
==>Problem management
==>Task management
Different types of tickets:
There are 3 types:
1.Incident ticket which identifies by INC
2.Change request ticket which identifies by CRQ
3.problem ticket which identifies by PBL
we have otther types Like TAS(identifies tasks) and SDB (Solution DB
Entries)PKE(identifies Known Errors).
Incident Ticket:
================something happen accedently the ticket which raises
Manually or Automatically.
=== The batch job pcso6980 failed with SB37 then instances Remedy
ticket will raised incident automatically.
Changemanagement Ticket:
if somebody wants to do change (or) creating a new during that time
the change management ticket uses.
=== 1. if application team wants hold product on job for to do then
they need to raise changemanagement ticket
2. if it is distributed system somebody wants to bring down the
server for a practical period of time then they need to raise
changemanagement ticket
Problem Ticket:
it is used to managed problem investigations known errors and
solution DB Entries.Problem management can practically prevent the
occurancy of incidents errors and addition management.
STATUS OF Tickets:
In progress
==== Displays when creating a new record or Ticket.
========= Auto-set to assigned when u crate a new incident assigned
to some one.
=========== Actively working on that incident also must select at
assigning a record to yourself.
======== Can't work on that incident,must fill in the region field
(or) pending means keeping the ticket on hold for sometime.
========= A solution (or) work-around has been found,must fill in
the status Reason field.
======= The system will auto-close in 5 business days (or) if user
wants to close the ticket we can close immediately (or) Manually.
========== if record was an accident(or) the issue doesn't need
resolution customer (or) support staff may task incident as cancelled.
The options are 1.Critical
Based on how many systems,Process,and business units are affored
as well as if the work around as possible (or) not.
========It will impact business.
===== it will impact only for that server(or) only for that
particular batch system.
====== it is not that much critical but still we need takd task on that job.
==== It does not require to consider this point.
To open New incident ticket Manually:
1.Once we login BMC click on Incident managentconsole which will
applies on left hand side then it takes to next screen.
2.Expand General function to see the no. of options it is like
collapsed,then click on 'New request' hen it takes to next screen.
3.Need to fill the Summary (Why we are raising ticket).
4.Need to fill; the impact field.
The impact options are:
5.Goto urgency field.
->select urgency based on your ticket critically.
6.we have come down and click on CUSTOMER tab.
->fill the customer information
7.Click on ClASSIFICATION tab
->fill the service type.drop down at the service type field and
select like user service relation and then got to operational
catigertion drop down tier
field and select field which we need and press enter then the
other field automatically display.
8.Then click on 'Assignment' tab,drop down the support company field
and select field like "capgemini" and the drop down field like support
organization and
select one field like 'DOS' and then drop down Assigned group
field and select field like "CGA Network Admit".
9.once we finish the above steps and then click the stable button on
top most Right handside.
To search the particular incident:
-- we got a call from customer,he need toknow the details of
particularinstant,at this time weneed to ask him Incident
ID(EX-147692)then we need to go to homepage
then click on incident management in console. will take in to the next screen ,then we can find search
incident option under the general function tab,then click on search
incident it will take to the next
2.Type the Incident ID at Incident ID field and then click search
button on top most riget side of the screen.
3.we got the Ticket details then the customer want to see the log
ticket and last updates regarding that ticket.we need to go to work
into tab and double click we
will get the history of the ticket.
How to see all tickets in your production control:
1.Goto incident management console.
2.General functions---->search incident search incident we will get tabs like assigned table.
4.Then we need to fill that fields like support company,support
organitation and Assigned group.
5.Then goto search button which is on right of that screen.
The Remedy group is (CGE DCS)monitoring.
How to Re.Assign a ticket:
========================== on Assignment tab
2.then we are get field like suppro company, support organization and
assigned group to what we are assigning.No need to mention to a
Assignee,it is better to assign
to a group and then save it.
How to accept and resolve the ticket:
Accept the ticket:
1,To stop the ticket at most "in-progress" in status field by myself.
2.Next we need to fill the Assignee group to which group we are assigning.
Resolve the ticket:
1.ToAccept Resolve the ticket first we need to go to status
that we must select Resolved.
2.Then Goto Resolution tab.
3.In resolution tab there will be no of fields first one as
resolution fill that. next gives the full information of that
particular ticket.
4.Then resolution method then select the options in that field.
5.Then go to status Reason field and select anyone of the option by
dropdown that field and then save it.
How to keep the ticket in Pending state:
1.Keep the status field as pending.
2.Then go to status Reason field and select options in available,that
may be clint on hold,support team on hold... etc..
3.Then save the ticket.
To Resolve the pending tickets:
=============================== on that incident and then goto status.In that select the
status field as 'In progress'
2.Then go to Assign tab in that we need to fill field like support
company,support organizationand Assignee group.
3.Then save the ticket.
4.To resolve the ticket we should keep the status as Resolved
5.Then goto resolution tab then fill the options in that tab and save it.
6.To close that keep the status as closedand save it.
Work info tab:
1.Use workinfo feature to add or attach work information regarding
activities performed on the cuurent record.
2.Go to work info tab and then we see some fields.
3.the fieds are workinfo tab and select "General information".
4.Then go to summary and give the information of the ticket.
5.Click on the attachement label and then add that document and save it.