With Ansible you can retrieve or discover certain variables containing information about your remote systems or about Ansible itself. Variables related to remote systems are called facts. With facts, you can use the behavior or state of one system as configuration on other systems. For example, you can use the IP address of one system as a configuration value on another system. Variables related to Ansible are called magic variables
Ansible facts
Ansible facts are data related to your remote systems, including operating systems, IP addresses, attached filesystems, and more. You can access this data in the ansible_facts variable. By default, you can also access some Ansible facts as top-level variables with the ansible_ prefix. You can disable this behavior using the INJECT_FACTS_AS_VARS setting.
To see all available facts, add this task to a play:
[osboxes@master ansible-new]$ ansible all -m setup
- hosts: whatevergather_facts: no
Adding Custom facts
The setup module in Ansible automatically discovers a standard set of facts about each host. If you want to add custom values to your facts, you can write a custom facts module, set temporary facts with a ansible.builtin.set_fact task, or provide permanent custom facts using the facts.d directory.
Ansible magic variables
You can access information about Ansible operations, including the python version being used, the hosts and groups in inventory, and the directories for playbooks and roles, using “magic” variables. Like connection variables, magic variables are Special Variables. Magic variable names are reserved - do not set variables with these names. The variable environment is also reserved.
The most commonly used magic variables are hostvars, groups, group_names, and inventory_hostname. With hostvars, you can access variables defined for any host in the play, at any point in a playbook. You can access Ansible facts using the hostvars variable too, but only after you have gathered (or cached) facts.
If you want to configure your database server using the value of a ‘fact’ from another node, or the value of an inventory variable assigned to another node, you can use hostvars in a template or on an action line:
{{ hostvars['test.example.com']['ansible_facts']['distribution'] }}
With groups, a list of all the groups (and hosts) in the inventory, you can enumerate all hosts within a group. For example:
{% for host in groups['app_servers'] %}
# something that applies to all app servers.
{% endfor %}
You can use groups and hostvars together to find all the IP addresses in a group.
{% for host in groups['app_servers'] %}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['eth0']['ipv4']['address'] }}
{% endfor %}
You can use this approach to point a frontend proxy server to all the hosts in your app servers group, to set up the correct firewall rules between servers, and so on. You must either cache facts or gather facts for those hosts before the task that fills out the template.
With group_names, a list (array) of all the groups the current host is in, you can create templated files that vary based on the group membership (or role) of the host:
{% if 'webserver' in group_names %}
# some part of a configuration file that only applies to webservers
{% endif %}
You can use the magic variable inventory_hostname, the name of the host as configured in your inventory, as an alternative to ansible_hostname when fact-gathering is disabled. If you have a long FQDN, you can use inventory_hostname_short, which contains the part up to the first period, without the rest of the domain.
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